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Products & Solutions

Innovations Simplify Cloud Workload Security

novembre 08, 2023 - 4 Min de lecture

Enterprises run on the cloud.

Organizations around the globe are increasingly migrating their applications to the public cloud, driven by the scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency it offers. The public cloud allows organizations to optimize resource allocation, improve agility, and leverage advanced cloud native services. This shift enables enterprises to streamline operations, drive innovation, and scale their applications to meet evolving business needs. By 2025, Gartner estimates that over 95% of new digital workloads will be deployed on cloud native platforms, up from 30% in 2021. 

As mission-critical applications move to the cloud, how are IT organizations gearing up to secure workloads in the public cloud?

At Zscaler, we have put forward a unique zero trust architecture. Our Zero Trust Exchange (ZTE) platform has become the preferred choice for enterprises around the globe to secure users, locations, and the cloud.



Fig1. Zscaler zero trust platform to secure workloads in the public cloud

Today, we announced significant advancements to our platform and Workload Communications to further simplify zero trust for cloud workload security. New features in our ZTE platform radically simplify and improve cloud workload security by eliminating lateral movement, reducing operational cost and complexity, and ensuring consistent threat and data protection. These advancements now offer native integration with AWS user-defined tags, all ports and protocols inspection for cloud-based VDI and expansion to GovCloud and China regional public clouds. Here is a quick glance at 5 new features that we have added to the platform:

  • Integration with AWS User-Defined Tags: Zscaler now offers a unique capability to create custom security groups based on user-defined tags and native attributes in AWS. This feature supports the maximum tag limit of 50 set by AWS, allowing organizations to leverage their existing workload identities for security policy creation. By doing so, they can eliminate the operational complexity associated with managing security policies based on IP Addresses, FQDNs, and CIDR blocks. Please read the blog and watch our demo video for more details.
  • Auto discover cloud resources in real-time: Zscaler's native integration with AWS enables the automatic discovery of VPCs, subnets, and EC2 resources, along with their associated tags and attributes, in real-time. With the ability to create custom-groups, enterprises can seamlessly integrate security definitions based on these cloud attributes, eliminating the need for manual configurations.
  • Secure your multi-session VDI deployed in the public cloud: An industry first, Zscaler inspects all ports and protocols for multi-session, non-persistent VDI deployments in the public cloud.  Enterprises can now apply granular threat and data protection policies per individual user session, enabling enterprises to maintain common security policies across all environments. Watch our demo video for more details.
  • Expanded Cloud Coverage: Workload Communications now supports Google Cloud Platform (GCP), plus Azure China Regions and AWS GovCloud with FedRAMP certification. With AWS, Azure and now expanded cloud support, enterprises can secure their cloud workloads consistently and effectively while maintaining the flexibility of public cloud choice. Check out the blog here for more details
  • Harness the power of true zero trust platform: When it comes to the public cloud, Customers struggle to find a  solution that can support SSL inspection with predictable performance that is simple to use and supports flexible deployments.  New augmentations to the ZTE platform includes support for multi-Gbps egress TLS/SSL inspection enabling enterprises to fortify their cloud workload security with cloud-scale TLS inspection, to effectively prevent zero-day attacks and protect against data leaks. Read our blog on cloud scale TLS.

Zscaler's new advancements in Workload Communications bring significant benefits to enterprises seeking robust cloud workload security.  To summarize, these innovations radically simplify and improve cloud workload security by eliminating lateral movement, reduce  operational cost and complexity, and ensure consistent threat and data protection. 

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